Voluntary Project
STEAM Fest Sensory Theatre (KidsSTOP)
Front of House and Peri Crew
I volunteered as a Peri Crew for the show
' Saving Billy ' and was involved in stage crafting such as the arrangement of props during the dress rehearsal.
The festival is an immersive sensory programme which educates children to explore ways on how to build a more sustainable world through engaging hands-on STEAM activities.
During the opening night, I was part of the show acting as one of the animal characters along with the other crews providing the audience with sensory experience.
We also helped out as the front of house assistant by welcoming the patrons, directing and getting involved with the kids and parents for the pre-show and post-show activities such as DIY animal masks and fruits made from paper, markers, plasticine and other materials.
International Virtual Student Leadership Development Programme
Thailand Exchange Programme with Chulalongkorn University
The programmes department was selected to be a part of the team to plan a 4 days worth of activities.
On days 2,3 and 4, we were assigned to plan out a schedule and assignment for the
' Singapore City and Cultural Exploration ' which touches on topics such as ' Arts and Media ', ' Creative Arts ' relating it to the various diplomas that School of the Technology for the Arts offers.
We were tasked to come up with a project based on the one out of 17 topics given on sustainability. My team and I did the topic
' Clothes for a Lifetime ' where it focuses on waste problem.
Our target audience was young adults age ranging from 18-30 years old.
The objective of it is to educate and promote about up cycling old clothes by repurposing to new ones.